Olena's Massage Center
Denise Cervine, LMT
Denise has been a bodyworker for 23+ years. She uses Lomilomi, Swedish massage along with Hot Stones and scented healing oils.
Doris P. Saxer, LMT
Doris has been a professional massage therapist for over 16 years. Graduating from Somerset School of Massage Therapy in New Jersey, where she studied with some of the top people in the massage industry.
She does mind/body relaxation massage, swedish, lomi lomi, deep tissue, sports pre & post event, prenatal massage, myofacial release & bindegewebbe.
Her massage background also includes Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT). This technique indentifies the problematic muscles with trigger points and deactivates these areas of hyperirritability, thus relieving the pain more permanently; helping to address chronic and acute problems.
Doris calls herself a muscle detective. "I look for what's causing and/or perpetuating the pain. My clients and I have an active dialogue and we look for answers together, whether it is repetitive movement, unconscious habits, sleeping positions, etc."
"I love doing massage, being able to help people rid themselves of pain. Especially when they feel nothing else has worked. That's the best!"
Kim LeCates, LMT
Founder of Pathways to Self-Healing, Hawaii
Kim is an intuitive healer; she always hears her patient say, "You know just where my pain is!" Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area she began her healing career with Jin Shin Do acupressure and Process Acupressure along with Reiki in 1994. Then after her move to Hawaii, became a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2004. She employs Lomilomi, Deep Tissue, Swedish, and Russian Clinical massage along with Hot Stones, Aromatherapy, Acupressure and Reiki. Using her connection with the Divine, Kim, creates the space for optimum healing to happen on all levels for her patients.
Olena Adams, LMT
Adams Russian Massage
Olena D. Adams (Melnikova) is licensed in massage in Russia (Ukraine 1994) and Hawaii (1999). In 2001 she worked at a 4-star resort on the Kohala Kona Coast. In March 2005, Olena opened up her own clinic Olena's Massage Center. specializing in Russian Clinical Massage, Swedish, Shiatsu, deep tissue, hot stones, acupressure, cupping and aromatherapy.
Before I was a Engineer of Economy and Public Journalist. It was a very interesting time in my life. Every thing was somehow connected with the healing arts. In the 80's, in my country, Extrasensory and Bioenergetics therapeutic technique started to be very popular. I started to help to my friends and employees with Healing Touch, Aura-Massage and praying. I started to see how energy work can help with headaches, post trauma period, fatigue, insomnia, high blood pressure and a lot of other things. I had very good results in my trying to help people. I started to do research in healing techniques and massage was first on the list. Now I am the owner of Massage Center on Big Island of Hawaii and professional therapist of massage who helped to heal people for over 16 years day by day:)
From 2001 I started teaching Russian Clinical Massage (RCM) in one of local massage schools. After my seminars students and professional therapists discovered for themselves a new type of massage, massage which provides great therapeutic effects in cases of traumas and injuries. With this knowledge of RCM students started feeling more confident in their training, where they did hands-on hours massage.
In January 2006, she became a Certified Holistic Health Consultant (CHHC). She also received approval from ABMP and NCBTMB as a continuing education provider in Russian Massage (16 hours).
"I would define Russian Clinical Massage (RCM) as the Russian curative massage that has evolved from the depths of millennia and incorporated medical knowledge from the East and the achievements of many Russian physicians over the years. In my opinion, it truly represents one of the best systems of massage on Earth. It is universal in principle and contains over 40 various movements, which gives the therapist the opportunity to always be diverse and never ordinary.
Professional therapists of massage started understanding the nature of pain and a more effective way of healing. My students inspired me to write a book and make a DVD about RCM, The Art of Russian Massage.
In closing, perhaps we'll meet face-to-face one day. I not only invite you to Hawaii, but invite you on to my massage table or to my classroom! I'll be happy to share this knowledge with you first-hand literally with my own hands!"